The renowned film director Ram Gopal Varma claims that the title of film starring Nana Patekar and Bobby Deol, Ek - The power of one is his title. As a result Ramu has dragged the production house of film K. Sera Sera to the Association of Motion Pictures and Television Programme Producers.
Ramu clarifies that he has registered the title Ek, six years ago and he has the rights with him. Ramu was planning to do the film with actors Sanjay Dutt and Ajay Devgan, but the film get delayed and never took off as he got busy with other films. Now all he wanted today is either the producers should change the title or should make the entire title bold.
One source said, “Ramu does not want any monetary settlement for the title but just wants K. Sera Sera to leave the title. Ramu and K. Sera Sera had many differences earlier and the latter had also taken Ramu to court during the release of Sarkar Raj over the rights issue.”
Now the decision is up to the association. However the film is set to release on Friday, March 27.
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