Shah Rukh Khan, winner of the best actor for ‘Chak De! India’ at the 53rd annual Filmfare awards attended the post awards party with his wife Gauri Khan at DJ Aqeel's pub Bling at the Leela Hotel early hours of Sunday, February 24.
Shah Rukh Khan at the 53rd annual Filmfare awards after party at DJ Aqeel's pub Bling at the Leela Hotel early hours of Sunday , February 24.
25 February 2008 - Shah Rukh Khan, winner of the best actor for Chak De! India at the 53rd annual Filmfare awards, attended the post awards party with his wife Gauri Khan at DJ Aqeel's pub BLING at the Leela Hotel early hours of Sunday, February 24.
Gauri Khan at the 53rd annual Filmfare awards after party at DJ Aqeel's pub Bling at the Leela Hotel early hours of Sunday, February 24.
Stylishly attired in a black suit over a black shirt we think Shah Rukh went overboard with his 'long hair falling over the forehead look' because we saw him squint through them often. What exactly was the point?
Shah Rukh Khan at the 53rd annual Filmfare awards after party at DJ Aqeel's pub Bling at the Leela Hotel early hours of Sunday, February 24.
Worst, he carried a lit cigarette in one hand and a lighter and cigarette pack in the other. As his hardcore fans and well wishers, how we wish he would get over it.
Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan at the 53rd annual Filmfare awards after party at DJ Aqeel's pub Bling at the Leela Hotel early hours of Sunday, February 24.
Gauri looked graceful in a silver strapless short designer dress with a pleated front and cinched at the waist with an encrusted buckle. She carried a black and silver box clutch and matched her dress with silver thong sandals studded with glittering rhinestones and elegant medium size heels.
Shah Rukh Khan at the 53rd annual Filmfare awards after party at DJ Aqeel's pub Bling at the Leela Hotel early hours of Sunday, February 24.
Her fluorescent pink lipstick looked jarring to us because it did not go with her skin tone but her pulled back hair made up, making her look elegant.
The party, hosted by Farah Ali Khan, DJ Aqeel's wife, was attended by majority of Bollywood A-Listers which included Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Hrithik Roshan and wife Suzanna, Fardeen Khan, Ritesh Deshmukh, Preity Zinta and Deepika Padukone, among others.
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