Apple, Intel Clam Up on Macworld We've no idea what's up for the expo, but the tea leaves point to Intel's Viiv. Efforts to find out what the new digital-entertainment platform is all about reveal that Intel's just as secretive as Apple. By Pete Mortensen.

Your Right to Be an Idiot Bad information and outright lies pulled off the internet can cause harm. In a benign case, maybe you louse up a term paper. In its malignant form, you could ruin a life. What, if anything, should be done about it? Commentary by Tony Long.

Download Piaf, Go to Jail The French may be about to impose stiff penalties for illegally downloading copyright-protected files. Bruce Gain reports from Paris.

Careful Where You Put That Tree Think you're doing the Earth a favor by planting a tree? Not so fast -- new research shows forest locations could make or break efforts to combat global warming. By Elizabeth Svoboda.

Same Ol' Animal Fun The version of Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS boasts a few nifty new features, but in the end it's a lot like the GameCube version. By Lore Sjöberg.

Passion of the Spaghetti Monster Bobby Henderson founded the Pastafarian movement as an answer to 'intelligent design,' and is now crafting a sacred text for his satiric religion. It probably won't be taught in Kansas schools. A Wired News interview by Kathleen Craig.

All the World's a Podcast It's incredibly easy to create and syndicate your own audio content. Here's how. By Michael Calore.

Sex Drive: The Year in Verse 'Tis the week before the Wired News hiatus, and your intrepid sex columnist bids you an exceptionally happy holiday filled with many toys and much joy. Commentary by Regina Lynn.

Cyberporn Sells in Virtual World An adult magazine peddled in the immersive online world Second Life dishes out explicit photo spreads of sexy female avatars. In some ways, the publisher claims, it's better than real porn. By Bonnie Ruberg.

Bugs Infest Persia Acrobatic action and stealth mechanics ultimately redeem Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. By Chris Kohler.

The world as we know it Deborah Eisenberg's wondrous "Twilight of the Superheroes" offers an intimate, glowing portrait of post-9/11 America.

[via Salon]
For Sale: Every Newton Ever Made The Newton Museum is closing, and everything's gotta go. Plus: IPod tops Google's shopping search list. From Leander Kahney's Cult of Mac blog.

The Ultimate Geek Gift Guide Hunting for media streamers, GPS navigators or a home robot for the special techie in your life? Look no further. By Christopher Null and Robert Strohmeyer. PLUS: Great Gamers' Gift Guide of 2005
